Sunday, October 12, 2008

Oktoberfest and Blisters

Let's just say that this week's market conditions prompted some bier garten festvities after work on Friday. Probably a good way to blow off steam but ouch did I feel it at 8:15 Saturday morning when the call came to go walking...

I did my best to pull myself together and headed out to the park for 9am. It was a rough walk. My pace was miserable but at least I was out there. And we did manage to do the every quarter mile run bit on the 2 1/2 mile trek back to the car.

Of course not being properly hydrated and all that did result in a nice blister on my toe. I thought after last week I would be free of new blisters... Not so much. It seems a perpetual blister worked itself free during the epsom soak last Sunday. And the new skin -- well you get the point.... And in compensating for that blister I developed 2 more.

I think I will hit the pool and Carvel this week should the market decide to not want to play nice.

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