Sunday, October 12, 2008

The End

My mom and Andrea were at the finish line when we crossed.
After the volunteers cut our chips off our ankles, my mom gave me a big hug. Yuck I wouldn't want to touch me all wet and sweaty. But that's what parents do.
I don't know if I felt a sense of relief or accomplishment at the end of it all.
Maybe a sense of shock and pride for having done something I hadn't ever dreamt of doing....
Like the cave tubing, zip-lining and swimming with the sharks? Yeah - maybe a little like that.
And I think that KP and I would do it again. It is definitely a great way to keep yourself motivated and focused to get out and be active.

1 comment:

JC said...

As we like to say in Boston, I think your pop would be wicked proud.
And those finish line hugs are the best. Even if you are sweaty and gross. :)
