Sunday, November 8, 2009


So ever since the triathlon I have been trying to improve my run. I found the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving day was the perfect time frame to train. And I put together a schedule. I must admit following the schedule has not been all that easy. I can't seem to do better than 4 to 8 minutes of running. Oh and let's throw in there - there is definitely something wrong with my knee. It is very sore and doesn't seem to want to consistently feel better. So that is an issue as well. I may be pushing myself - but I tell myself I would push more if it didn't feel so odd.
So the routine isn't getting me very far.
I was excited last week or so when I actually managed to run for 8 minutes. This week I found it in me to run for 5. Now if I could improve my pace that would be pretty close to running a full mile.
So I will continue to work on that. I have 18 days to continue to work on this. We'll see how it goes.

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